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Stewards and Officers
Executive Board Officers 2024-2025
Tammy Love
Steward over all clerks for all tours. Steward over all facilities, offices, and tours (365/366).
Rhonda Davis
Steward over all clerks for all tours. Steward over all facilities, offices, and tours (365/366).
Jackie Hafler
Alternate maintenance and customer service custodial steward.
Chanell Knight
Clerk Craft Director
Steward over all clerks for all tours
Sara McKinney
Asst. Clerk Craft Director
Steward over all clerks for all tours
Maintenance Craft Director
Steward over maintenance craft for all tours.
Breanna Shaverse
Asst. Maintenance Craft Director
Steward over maintenance craft for all tours.
Barrion Shaverse
MVS/VMF Director
Steward over all drivers and vehicle maintenance techs for all tours.
Steward List
Jasmaine Manuel
Mail Processing Clerk
Tyrielle Nichols
Maintenance Mechanic
Tour 1 & 2 Alternate
Tammy Fort
Alternate Steward
Colleen Morris
Alternate Steward